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Thiesi, of uncertain etymology, is located in the Meilogu area of northern Sardinia. In 1225 it passed into the hands of the Dorias following the decadence of the Giudicato del Logudoro and then to the Malaspina, later then to the Giudici d'Arborea, ending later to the Aragonese. During Spanish rule, a feudal regime was imposed that lasted four centuries, until 1839, when it was finally abolished. A legend tells how the plague and cholera that struck Sardinia, did not take root in the town due to the fact that the town apparently had many years ago, the shape of a triangle and in each vertex there was a Church: to the south the Church of San Giovanni in Badde Serena, to the north the Convent where there is the Church of San Sebastiano and to the west the Sanctuary of the Madonna of Seunis.



In the locality of S'Ozastredu, 10 km from the town of Thiesi, we find the necropolis of Mandra Antine, consisting of four Domus de Janas. The most important, called the painted tomb, is number III with its still well-preserved frescoes, unique in Sardinia for the traces of polychrome decoration. Through the road from Ittiri to Romana, in the mountain of the same name, you can admire the cave of Monte Majore, with a development of 300 meters and it is possible inside to observe a large colony of about 5000 bats of which 3 of important species. Still in the direction of Ittiri, in Mesu de Roccas locality, the Protonuraghe Fronte 'e Mola, the only one so far known with a rectangular plan, probably dating back to the Middle Bronze Age.

Recently established is the museum dedicated to Aligi Sassu (Italian painter and sculptor), with a collection of 120 graphic works, representing a comprehensive overview of the artist's different periods of activity and a magnificent fresco created in the early 1960s in memory of the anti-feudal uprisings. The artist decorated, also, the facade of the former Technical Commercial Institute with a ceramic with the theme of life and nature.

There are numerous murals by Pina Monne (ecclectic Sardinian artist, an established and recognized author of murals) that enrich the most striking views of the village with depictions of typical activities, customs, and traditional festivals.

The important festivals are: the one in honor of the patron saint, St. Victoria, the one of St. John in June, with a big fire in the churchyard. The rite of comparato is still practiced, that is, a couple of friends jump the fire holding the ends of a handkerchief symbolizing the established union of the friendship relationship. It is also called the youth festival, and in November, the most important one, dedicated to Our Lady of Seunis, is celebrated at the shrine of the same name, with the solemn procession of the simulacrum of the virgin carried on an ox-drawn cart.

It is a unique and extraordinary country to stay at. Thiesinians have always been able to make the most out of all activities: trade, industry, crafts etc., adapting to all social changes and technological evolution. Important in the agribusiness sector are dairy and wine production. The cuisine is simple, rich in soups, soups and side dishes, you can delight your palate in the restaurant or immersed in nature in the farmhouse.

One of the delicacies offered to guests is s'impanada: stuffed with pork or lamb, while among the desserts are pabassinos and ancas de cane, a type of bread enriched with walnuts, raisins and wild fennel seeds, with a characteristic S shape.

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