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Sa Panada

Sa panada is the name given to a tasty preparation typical of the region of Sardinia, in particular the area of Assemini, in the province of Cagliari, and also contends its paternity with the municipality of Oschiri; in other parts of the world there are similar versions such as the Peruvian 'empanada'.

'Panada' stands for pan, the sheet of dough that becomes crispy when cooked in the oven.

It is a round savoury pie of various sizes, also single-portion, composed of a not-very -thin puff pastry shell called pasta violada, obtained by kneading flour with salted water and pork lard and moulded to form a sort of basket. It is usually stuffed with fish (eels), or lamb or pork with peas and potatoes, and today it is also possible to find other variations, such as with fresh field beans or aubergines.

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