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Usini is located a few kilometers from Sassari, it is a town of ancient origins, demonstrated by the ceramics and lithic material as obsidian arrow tips, found in its surroundings. Has been a human settlement facilitated by the geographical conditions for the presence of a river and fertile soils.

He managed to resist the plague epidemics that damaged the Sardinian population during the Middle Ages. It became a possession of the Malaspina and later granted a fief to the noble Gilalberto Centelles becoming part of the "Baronia of Osilo". Dismantled in 1447, the town passed into the hands of Angelo Cano who became the first baron of Usini. In 1643 Baronia became "County of San Giorgio" taking the name from the country church of San Giorgio di Oleastro (twelfth century) which is located eight kilometers from the village.

Heavy taxes imposed by the Duke Antonio Manca Amat brought the countries of logudoro to rebellion. Refusing to pay feudal imposts, Usini participated in the revolt in 1795 that led to the assault of Sassari.

The country was animated in the eighteenth century by the bandit Francesco "Cicciu" Derosas that spreads terror in the Logudoro campaigns for a few years.



Usini has a rich archaeological heritage, including two nuraghi and several domus de Janas. The oldest discoveries date back to the Neolithic, to the Ozieri Culture. There are many settlements of the period of the Roman Republican and Imperial.

The parish church is Santa Maria Bambina and it is in the late Baroque style, built on the site of the first parrcchiale church of San Pietro, fell into disrepair and was demolished in the early nineteenth century to make way for the current one.

The mansion called Casa Derosas, of the early '900, belonged to one of the land-owning families in the area. Full of suggestive architectural elements including the decorated niche and frescoes of mythological scenes and landscapes. Currently it collects testimonies of the local ethnographic heritage.

The heart of town is the Piazza Castello, overlooked by Casa Diaz of 1874 in whose courtyard there are various spaces such as an olive-press with the intact ancient machineries.

Pisan Romanesque style is the church of Madonna de s'Ena Frisca (twelfth century). His dungeons were used as a cemetery. Every Monday Through a trapdoor people descended in procession singing the Miserere for the dead.

Pisan Romanesque style is the church of Madonna de s'Ena Frisca (twelfth century). His dungeons were used as a cemetery. Every Monday Through a trapdoor people descended in procession singing the Miserere for the dead.

The landscape around the town is rich artichokes, olive groves and vineyards, whose production is a source of pride for Usini.

There are many local folk groups and during their performances is possibile admire the beautiful traditional clothes.

In recent years there has been an active recovery of the traditions that have led to the realization of numerous events to promote the food and wine production: in May there is the "Wine Competition" with the aim to bring out the best production of bulk wines; from mid-July until mid-September there is "E ... state a Usini" with a rich program in which we find in August "La Sagra De Sos Andarinos", a typical, helical shape fresh pasta; always in the middle of August it takes place "The International Festival of Folcklore".

On 8 September there is the feast in honor of Santa Maria Bambina.

In December, the significant "Ajò to Ippuntare" event comes to life the traveling show in wine cellars with tasting of new wines of local producers.

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