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The Rosas Mine: history of a metal deposit converted into a cultural deposit


The Rosas mine, located north-east of the town of Narcao, has experienced, over the course of 150 years, moments of extreme wealth and others of extreme crisis.

You should know, that the site has been known as a valuable mining resource since antiquity, in fact, there are traces of mining exploitation as far back as Nuragic, Roman and Pisan times. These populations, it is assumed, had consolidated experience in the exploitation of the mineral resources of the entire area below Mount Rosas, from which the mine takes its name, essentially of mixed metals of lead and zinc, iron and copper and a percentage of silver.

The history of the Rosas mine began in 1832, with the discovery on Mount Rosas of a deposit of lead and argentiferous galena by Enzo Perpignano, owner of the Società Anonima del Sulcis e Sarrabus. Instead, mining began two years later, in 1851, with the signing of one of the oldest mining concessions in Sardinia, the third, by King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia and Cyprus. It is worth noting the discovery in 1908 by geologist Prof. Domenico Lovisato of the mineral Rosasite, which takes its name from both the mine and the mountain itself.

Around the mine and the buildings for the extraction, processing and storage of the ore, a mining village was born, inhabited by about 750 people, providing all the essential services for the daily life of the miners and their families: from the school to the post office! These structures remained in use until 1980, the year in which mining ended and the Rosas mine finally closed.

After a few years of abandonment and decay of both the mine and the entire mining village, there was the risk of losing a valuable resource of the area and thus its identity forever, until its rebirth in 1986.

Almost two decades of work have allowed for the recovery of the entire mining site, converting it into a Museum of Industrial Archaeology. At the same time, the miners' "cottages" have been renovated into Holiday Homes, reviving, in a certain sense, the old Miners' Village, equipping it with services that make the entire Eco-museum as it once was, self-sufficient! All year round, you will have the opportunity to spend your holidays in a unique special place, which encompasses in the name of "Ecomuseum" a true open-air museum where facilities and buildings house artefacts that are passed on to present and future generations: generations how a deposit of metals was converted into a deposit of culture.

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